World Stroke day 2020

World Stroke Day 2020: Everything You Need to Know About Strokes


Our brain is one of the most valuable organs in our body. This central organ helps us remember so many things. It controls almost everything we do in our daily life. For example, if you’re reading this right now, it is not just because of your eyes but also due to your brain. It can collect, process, and act on the information you see and read right now. So, any problem with your brain can hamper your productivity in everyday life. One such condition is stroke. World Stroke Day 2020 is observed today on 29th October to raise awareness about strokes. It can happen to anyone at any time and any place. However, the good part is most strokes are preventable. That’s why stroke awareness is the need of the hour. This World Stroke Day, read along to know more about strokes, stroke symptoms, its various types, causes, and the right treatment.

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Bladder Cancer: Types, Causes & Treatment

Bladder Cancer: Types, Causes & The Right Treatment 


In the post COVID – 19 era, staying hydrated with water and other healthy drinks is extremely important. All these fluids get stored in one of the important parts of the body, an organ that is medically called the urinary bladder. Also known as ‘bladder,’ it is a hollow muscular organ that stores urine. It connects with the kidneys. Most people do not treat the bladder as an important organ. However, in reality, it’s one of the most essential organs in the urinary system. And like most other organs, the bladder is also prone to getting under the attack of cancer. Cancer in the bladder is a very serious disease that needs timely diagnosis and the right treatment.  Read along to know more about bladder, bladder cancer, its various types, symptoms, causes, and the right treatment.

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Hepatitis Types causes and treatment

Hepatitis Types, Causes & Treatment Explained


Our liver is one of the most important organs in the body. This reddish-brown organ is our largest internal organ. It’s very much like a chemical factory with numerous functions. The liver helps process blood, clears toxins from our body, and generates nutrients from our food. Furthermore, it controls the chemical levels in our blood and produces a fluid called bile. This helps in the process of digestion.
Any interference in these functions can lead to poor health. One such condition that causes inflammation of the liver is known as hepatitis. Thus, it is necessary to visit your doctor. Regular health checkups can ensure you are safe and healthy in the long run. Let’s know more about hepatitis, it’s types, causes, and treatment.

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Types of Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones: Types, Causes & The Right Treatment


The kidneys are an essential part of the excretory system. These two bean-shaped organs in your body help in purifying your blood. They filter excess water, waste products and any other impurities from the blood. They also help in producing hormones that control your blood pressure. The kidneys try their best to maintain all of these together. So when does the trouble begin? Precisely, when the kidney stones are formed. Read along to know about the various types of kidney stones, their causes and the right treatment.

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Restful sleep during covid-19 outbreak

7 Ways To Get Restful Sleep Amid The COVID-19 Outbreak


COVID-19 is on the verge of becoming one of the deadliest pandemics of all time. This generation is experiencing something like this for the first time. Therefore, going through feelings of confusion and fear is imperative. For many people, this has led to varying levels of anxiety on a regular or occasional basis. The most common damage is the damage caused to the sleeping patterns. Some find it more difficult to get restful sleep during the COVID 19 outbreak. For many others, their sleep cycles have altered drastically. 

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High blood pressure Hypertension

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) can have serious health implications if not treated in time. It can go undetected due to its nature of not producing obvious symptoms. Through regular check-ups, we can always know its presence and tackle the situation at hand. So let’s understand what exactly Hypertension is and what are the causes and symptoms of Hypertension. 

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world sickle cell day 2020

World Sickle Cell Day 2020: What is Sickle Cell Disease?


The United Nations passed a resolution in 2008 declaring Sickle Cell Disease a public health problem. It is one of the major genetic diseases across the world, affecting millions of people annually. With an objective to raise awareness, June 19 is observed as World Sickle Cell Day. On this day, many organizations, health experts, and volunteers share information about sickle cell disease on a national and international level. This World Sickle Cell Day 2020, we are doing our bit to raise awareness through this blog. In the following sections, we explain what is sickle cell disease, sickle cell disease symptoms, and treatments.

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Strong and Healthy Heart During COVID-19

Tips For A Strong and Healthy Heart During COVID-19


Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to take a tragic toll on the lives of people across the world. As the rates of coronavirus cases keep rising, people with underlying conditions like heart diseases need to take extra precautions to keep themselves safe. In this blog, we explain whether heart patients are at a higher risk of catching the novel coronavirus infection and share effective tips for a strong and healthy heart during COVID-19 pandemic.

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Immunity Boost in Covid-19 Pandemic

How to Boost Your Immunity During The COVID-19 Pandemic


Your immune system works like a powerful gate that guards your body and prevents invaders like germs, viruses, and bacteria from entering it. If you don’t nurture your immune system, it burns down and an invader makes way into your body. If that invader happens to be a deadly virus like the novel coronavirus, you could get seriously ill. That’s why it is all the more important to strengthen your immunity now. Following are some easy to implement tips that will help you boost your immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic:

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COVID-19 Coronavirus and Cancer

COVID-19 and Cancer Patients: Frequently Asked Questions


COVID-19 statistics are getting more tragic by the day. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has put the entire world at risk of contracting an infectious disease but the risk is even higher for people who are dealing with or have dealt with deadly diseases like cancer. We hope to address the concerns of cancer patients and their loved ones through the following compilation of FAQs about COVID-19 and cancer.

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